– General review on Electromagnetic processing :
- 2008-Proceedings-UIE-” Induction processing of liquid materials”, K. Spragg, A. Noeppel, J.C. Lacombe, M. Dumont, R. Ernst, K. Zaidat, Y. Delannoy, P. Petitpas, C. Garnier, J. Etay, C. Trassy and Y. Fautrelle in The XVI International Congress on Electricity Applications in a Modern World UIE2008, Krakow, 18-21 mai 2008.
- 2010-Proceedings-HES-” Evolutions and Progresses in AC to DC Inductive Processes in EPM (invited lecture)”, Roland Ernst, M. Dumont, O. Budenkova, X. Li, ZM. Ren and Y. Fautrelle – SIMAP/EPM laboratory, Grenoble, (France); Dept. of Materials Sciences and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai (R.P. China) in International Symposium on Heating by Electromagnetic Sources, , padova 18-21mai, padova, italy
- 2015-Proceedings-EPM-”Electromagnetic processing – from AC to DC Field – A way for process improvement and innovation”, M.Dumont, R.Ernst, Y.Fautrelle, J.Etay -EMDPI and SIMAP/EPM laboratory, Grenoble, (France) in 8th International Conference on Electromagnetic processing of materials EPM 2015, Cannes, France.
- 2015-Proceedings-Comsol conference–”Electromagnetic Processing from AC to DC field and Multiphysics Modeling : a Way for Process Innovation”, M.Dumont, R.Ernst, Y.Fautrelle, J.Etay -EMDPI and SIMAP/EPM laboratory, Grenoble, (France) in European Comsol Conference, oct 2015, Grenoble, France.
- 2019-Proceedings-Comsol conference-”Electromagnetic processing from AC to DC field: modelling approach with Comsol, M.Dumont –EMDPI, R.Ernst -SIMAP/EPM laboratory, Grenoble, (France) in European Comsol Conference, oct 2019, Cambridge, UK.
– Foundry – Induction skull melting
- 2008-Patent-“Procédé et dispositif d’enduction métallique de fibres par voie liquide”, brevet Snecma, EP1995342 A1, 21 mai 2008
- 2009-Proceedings-EPM-”Recent progresses in optimizing inductive cold crucible processes”, M.Dumont,R.Ernst, C. Garnier, P.Petitpas in 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic processing of materials EPM 2009, dresden
- 2011-Patent –”Creuset froid pour four de chauffage à induction”, N° dépôt Fr11/61090 , 2 dec 2011
- 2012-Proceedings-EPM-” Innovative Inductive Cold Crucible Configurations with improved Efficiency”, DUMONT Mikael, ERNST Roland, GARNIER Christian, HASAN Ghatfan, PETITPAS Patrick in 7th International Conference on Electromagnetic processing of materials EPM 2012, october 22-26, beijing, china
- 2012-Patent–“Système inductif pouvant servir de creuset froid”,N° dépôt Fr11/52246, 18 mars 2011,extension PCT /FR2012/050534, 14 mars 2012
– Fluid motion – Electromagnetic pump
- 2011-Proceedings-PAMIR-” Simulation of some MHD effects in Alip Electromangetic pump”, M. Dumont, S. Epure, R. Nicolescu, A. Gagnoud, J. Etay, Y. Fautrelle in 8th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, Borgo – September 5 – 9 , 2011-Corsica –France
- 2011-Proceedings-PAMIR-” Development of large flow ALIP EMP for application in ASTRID sodium cooled fast reactor and future power plant reactors” , S. Vitry1, A. Morcillo1, F. Rey1, M. Dumont2, J. Etay2 and Y. Fautrelle2, 1:CEA/DEN/CAD/DTN/STPA/LCIT, 2: SIMAP/EPM laboratory in 8th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, Borgo – September 5 – 9 , 2011-Corsica –France
- 2012-Proceedings-EPM-”Influence of the Frequency and Wave Length of the Traveling Field on the Pressure-Flow Rate Characteristic of Annular Induction Pumps Taking into Account the MHD Coupling”, C. Roman, M. Dumont, S. Vitry, F. Rey, V. Fireteanu, Y. Fautrelle in 7th International Conference on Electromagnetic processing of materials EPM 2012, october 22-26, beijing, china
- 2013-Proceedings-ATEE-”Study of the Electromagnetic Phenomena in the Annular Linear Induction Pump based on 3D Finite Element Models”, C. Roman, V. Fireteanu , Y. Fautrelle , M. Dumont, S. Vitry, F. Rey, , in 8th International Symposium on ATEE(ADVANCED TOPICS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING),May 23-24, Bucharest, roumania
- 2013-Proceedings-HES-” Modelling of fully coupled mhd flows in large size annular linear induction pumps ”,C. Roman, M. Dumont, , S. Letout, C. Courtessole, S. Vitry, F. Rey, Y. Fautrelle in International Symposium on Heating by Electromagnetic Sources, mai, padova, italy
– Fluid flow and interface control – Electromagnetic levitation
- 2009-Proceedings-EPM-”3D numerical modeling of electromagnetic levitation”, M.Dumont,P.Schetelat, C.Courtesole, R.Ernst, J.Etay in 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic processing of materials EPM 2009, dresden october 19-23, dresden, germany
- 2009-Proceedings-CFM- “Expérience de lévitation électromagnétique sous rayonnement synchrotron “, C. COURTESSOLE, M. DUMONT, P. SCHETELAT, D. PONTONI, M. DI MICHIEL et J. ETAY, 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique Marseille, 24-28 août 2009 –oral session
– Fluid flow and interface control – Electromagnetic brake
- 2011-Scientific Journal- Compel , Vol.30 No.5, 2011 : ” A new DC electromagnetic wiping system for hot-dip zinc coatings on steel strip” M. Dumont, R. Ernst, Y. Fautrelle, B. Grenier, J.J. Hardy, M.Anderhuber,SIMAP (EPM) Laboratory, Saint Martin d’Hères (France); Siemens SVAI Metal Technologies,SAS, Saint Chamond (France); ArcelorMttal, Maizières-lès-Metz (France)
– Magnetic materials
- 2019-Proceedings-Comsol conference-”A modelling tool for ferrite MnZn design – Losses and dimensional resonance according to size and physical properties” , M.Dumont-EMDPI, Etienne Rousset, Orano Group, Patrice Brun –CEA, DEN, DE2D, SEVT in European Comsol Conference, oct 2019, Cambridge, UK.